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Pictured: “Mind Bottles” – Sarah Klein

Both Ways Will Take You There features individual and collaborative works by Sarah Klein and David Kwan, reflecting their interests in experimental animation, visual music, and serial processes across a range of media. The exhibit opens in person and online Friday, September 17th through Saturday, October 16th. An artists’ reception will close the exhibit. The event will be free and open to the public. Cherry Gallery hours are Wednesday through Saturday from noon to 4:00 p.m.


About the Artists:

“Faster Firecracker”
Sarah Klein, 2015

Sarah Klein is a visual artist working in animation and printmaking. She employs drawing, paper cutouts and live-action footage to create both narrative and abstract pieces. After a decade of working in stop-motion animation, she continues to investigate the language of movement in her print-based works. Using image sequences and repetition, she focuses on individual parts that make up the whole work.


Two Studies for WAVESHAPER

David Kwan – Sound Generated Video

David Kwan is a sound and visual artist, who adapts musical structures into visual compositions. For the work in this exhibit, he takes inspiration from visualizations and analyses of sound, such as oscilloscope displays and spectrograms, and uses electronic synthesis techniques to produce signal patterns in sound and image. Layering and arranging these signals into chords and clusters, he plays with harmony, counterpoint and phasing, to highlight the interplay of line and pattern, and light and color. Watch video here.



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