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Reigning Cats and Dogs is a love-of-life, all medium juried exhibition of 50 original and unique 2D and 3D artworks celebrating dogs and cats. Congratulations to the following award winners:

First Place: “Aria’s Gaze” – Chiachen Wang (pictured above)
Second Place:”Basking” – Roberto Zavala
Third Place: “Olive Side Eye”- Anna Chambers
Honorable Mention: “Come On…Throw the Ball!” – Erlinda Montano-Hiscock|
Honorable Mention: “The Ratter” – Stephanie Langley
Honorable Mention: “Hare of the dog with a dane chaser…” – Will Bullas
Honorable Mention: “A Dog for All Seasons” – Kenneth W. Newman
Honorable Mention: “Modern Bastet with Ancient Cell Phone Necklace and Earbuds” – Polly Osborne




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