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Comedy Variety Showcase is back! Come watch some of the best local comedic acts performing various styles of comedy such as stand up, sketch, improv, stories and more. We can all use a good laugh these days! Celebrate with us after the show, enjoying some refreshments and sweet treats! For more information, visit comedyvarietyshowcase.com

Program Note: Shows are for ages 16+, however some material may not be suitable for all children.

Performance dates and times:

Saturday, August 28th at 7:00pm. General Admission: $15

Sunday, August 29th at 2:00pm. General Admission $15, Frontline workers $10


About the Director:

Maria Dawson was born and raised on the Monterey Peninsula. She began her teaching/acting career under the mentorship of actor and director John Farmanesh-Boca, before receiving a MAE, with an emphasis in theatre from CSUMB. Her résumé includes the Magic Circle Theatre in Carmel Valley and the School of Dramatic Arts in Carmel.

Maria has also been performing live, improvisational theatre as a founding member of Monterey Playback Theatre, Women of Whimsy, the Mirth O’ Matics, and Monterey Comedy Improv. She is now setting her sights on a new adventure of bringing together different genres of local comedic performers to showcase their talents with Comedy Variety Showcase.

COVID-19 Update: Your health and safety is important to us. The state of California has lifted capacity restrictions for indoor events. We ask all visitors remain mindful of social distancing. Unvaccinated individuals must continue to wear a mask to protect themselves and others. Visiting the Cherry Center’s gallery, theater, and grounds could increase your risk of contracting COVID-19. By visiting our property and/or attending events held here, you are voluntarily assuming the risk of illness.

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