Celebration ’69, a multimedia experience featuring live music, images, video and storytelling, will play one last time this year at the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Carmel. Proceeds from the performances will go to All Things New Church in Monterey. Friday and Saturday, September 13 and 14 at 7:30 pm; Sunday, September 15th at 2 pm. Donations are $20.
The show focuses on stories about six of the year’s most iconic historical events including, among others, Woodstock, the Apollo 11 moonwalk and the Manson family murders. As transitional links, a live band plays medleys of songs released that year including hits from Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, The Who, Cream, Santana and more. All the while, historical and musical visual images and video bring the era back to life.
The show’s creator Mark Shilstone-Laurent says of the show, “Although Celebration ’69 plays right into the wheelhouse of the Boomers who lived it, it’s a show for anyone who may be curious as to why the 60’s and its music are considered such a big deal – or for history buffs that understand just how crazy unique 1969 was and want to relive it both musically and historically.”
Tickets are available on brownpapertickets.com. For more information, please call (831) 676-0148.