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Opens June 5th in Cherry Hall. Please see below for exact days and times.

Zelda, Save Me the Waltz, a new play written and directed by Carmel’s Tom Parks, opens June 5th  in Cherry Hall.

Zelda, Save Me the Waltz  is the story of Zelda Fitzgerald, the driven, creative, flamboyant wife of novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald. Their storied life, together and apart, is a tale of  remarkable celebrity and heart-breaking decline.

Zelda Fitzgerald (1900-1948)  was an artist, writer and renowned as “America’s First Flapper.” An iconic Jazz Age figure, Ms. Fitzgerald  turned fashion into a cult of the young and became the darling of New York and Paris society. Although she is best known for her extravagant public persona and plunge into mental illness, she was also an author  in her own right,  and her exuberance lives on in the characters she inspired in her husband’s novels and short stories.

Zelda stars Rosemary Luke, supported by Garland Thompson.

Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 p.m., Sundays at 2  p.m., through June 28th. Tickets: (831) 717-7373, or Ticketguys.com.

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