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What do Hot Club de France violinist Stéphane Grapelli and baroque organist Dietrich Buxtehude have in common? Both knew how to write a jaunty ditty in a minor key! Please join  Elizabeth Gaver (baroque violin), Penny Hanna (viola da gamba), and Michael Peterson (harpsichord) for the start of the new year as we switch our ears to the relative minor, listening to some major (and minor) composers like  J.S.Bach, J.P. Krieger, and Marin Marais,  performed on baroque era instruments.


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One performance only: January 1, 2020, at 3:00 pm. Tickets are $25.00, purchased through brownpapertickets.com or by calling (831) 624-7491. Be sure to reserve in advance, as this popular event sells out each year.

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