In the Family of Things, a poetry reading and conversation with George Lober, Kathryn Petruccelli and Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts, will be presented in the Cherry Theater on July 27th, 2018 at 7:30 p.m. Suggested donation for the evening is $15.00.
In her poem “Wild Geese,” Mary Oliver writes that the world calls to us like wild geese, announcing our place “in the family of things.” Poets George Lober, Kathryn Petruccelli and Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts will explore the ways in which poetry shows us our place “in the family of things” through readings and discussions of their own poems and the poems of others.
About the poets:

Kathryn Petruccelli
Kathryn Petruccelli is a bi-coastal poet and writer with aspirations in radio, obsessions around the meaning of home, and a deep belief in the power of story. Kitty tends to teach things – like storytelling, sign language, and English to speakers of other languages. She spent eight years writing about community events and theater for the Herald. She was a long-time student in Ellen Bass’ workshops and has more recently been working with another Santa Cruz poet, Danusha Laméris. Her work has been published in various places including regional anthologies in the Monterey Bay as well as the Pioneer Valley in western Massachusetts. Kitty’s poetry is forthcoming in Rattle, and her piece “How to Read This Essay” was chosen as the 2015 winner of San Francisco’s Litquake Festival essay contest.

George Lober
George Lober is the author of two books of poetry Shift of Light and A Bridge to There. His poems have appeared in numerous journals and e-zines, including the former Eclectic Literary Forum; MiPoesias; Lily; Sage; Quarry West; Sand Hill Review; Porter Gulch Review, and Monterey Poetry Review. Lober is a former winner of the Ruth Cable Memorial Prize for Poetry and currently lives in Monterey, California.

Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts
Elliot Ruchowitz-Roberts is author of White Fire, a collection of poems published last year by The Ping Pong Free Press of the Henry Miller Memorial Library. He is the author of two chapbooks of poetry, To Mary (after eight and The Sweet Taste; co-editor of the college text Bridges; co-editor/co-translator of two works from the Telugu, Sudha (Nectar) by Chalam and The Selected Verses of Vemana, both of which have been accepted into UNESCO’s Collection of Representative works: Indian Series; and co-author of Bowing to Receive the Mountain: Essays by Lin Jensen and Poetry by Elliot Roberts. His poetry has also appeared in various journals and anthologies.
Ruchowitz-Roberts coordinates the Tor House Foundation’s annual Prize for Poetry and its annual reading series, and coordinated the National Endowment for the Arts “The Big Read: The Poetry of Robinson Jeffers,” during which he read and performed Jeffers’s poetry at venues throughout Monterey County. Poet-in-the-Schools for the Carl Cherry Center for the Arts, Ruchowitz-Roberts presents poetry writing workshops in high schools throughout Monterey County and coordinates the annual Monterey County High School Poetry Awards.